181 뷰티 블로그 포스트 아이디어 작성 Cosmetics Makeup and charm blog Monday-ish / Tuesday Poll, Vol. 618

Makeup and charm blog Monday-ish / Tuesday Poll, Vol. 618

You are enough

그래서 … 월요일 설문 조사는 무엇입니까?

훌륭한 질문! 작은 클릭 단추와 같이 실제 설문 조사 인 그 이름과는 반대적이지 않습니다. 매주 월요일 아침 일찍이 블로그에 게시 한 5 명의 훨씬 더 많거나 덜 무작위적인 질문 목록 일뿐입니다 (2007 년부터). 나는 당신의 대답을 읽는 것을 좋아하며, 일주일에 좋은 시작으로 일주일 수 있습니다.

안녕! hi from Marin County, California. We’re calling this week’s installment of this post “The Monday-ish / Tuesday Poll,” because yeah, Monday’s practically over. I apologize, but there’s been a lot happening, as I’m sure you know.

These are crazy days, man! It’s completely surreal. I never thought I’d live to see something like this. ~을 자란 Today our county Public health officer issued a shelter-at-home order, making it officially illegal to go to a film or the mall. The purchase is in place from today through at least April 7.




Just wow.

I hope you’re safe and doing well. 보고 싶어요. 안전히 계세요. sending you and your loved ones positive thoughts.


고양이 & 메이크업 스웨트 셔츠 ??

$ 42.

지금 쇼핑하십시오

And now…for the first time ever in practically 12 years, it’s time for The makeup and charm blog Monday-ish / Tuesday Poll.

1. Cupcakes, cookies or brownies?

Chocolate cookies with a sprinkling of sea salt, please.

2. Can you do a chin-up or pull-up?

If I’m well-rested and powered by good tunes and coffee, yes, I can do one or two chin-ups.

I still can’t do a full pull-up with an overhand grip unless I use one of those stretchy rubber band things for help, but I think I’ll get there eventually if I can strengthen my core.

Speaking of chin-ups, this is the scene I think of when I’m doing them, although I don’t look as cool as Linda Hamilton does…

One of the great ladies of sci-fi, Sarah Connor (I named Coy-Coy after her)

3. tell me about your favorite pants.

Right now I’m feeling my thick black stretchy pants by Zella. They’re very soft and, weirdly enough, they keep me warm when it’s cold outside, but I don’t get too hot in them when I’m working out. They really are a miracle of modern times. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ! I do wish they had pockets on the sides like my Athleta ones, though.

4. When you’re reading a really a good book, do you read it as fast as you can (GOTTA get TO THE END!), or do you choose to savor the chapters slowly?

If it’s so good that I can’t put it down, then I’ll read it every totally free moment I get — standing in line at the grocery store, doing squats at home, cooking dinner… Every chance I get to sneak in a few sentences, I’ll do it. and if I really, really love a book, I’ll immediately start re-reading it.

5. What are you wearing on your nails?

Essie crop top & Roll… It’s a neutrals day!

칠 주의!
친절한 이웃 매력 중독자,

여자 이름

추신 because you never realized you needed to see an 80-year-old elephant listening to Clair de Lune until a pandemic struck…

Hang in there, my friend.

P.P.S. 다음은 답변으로 답변을 복사 / 붙여 넣을 질문입니다. 곧 나중에 말하십시오.

1. Cupcakes, cookies or brownies?
2. Can you do a chin-up (underhand grip) or pull-up (overhand grip)?
3. tell me about your favorite pants.
4. When you’re reading a really a good book, do you read it as fast as you can (GOTTA get TO THE END!), or do you choose to savor the chapters slowly?
5. What are you wearing on your nails?

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